Monday, May 4, 2009

Worked on the Jeep and got the Front Long Arms in.

So today I went to Tooele at about 8:am and knocked on Scott's door and we got to work. We put the kids in the play room and then started unbolting the current suspension system and installing the new one. It was a lot of work and thank god Scott was there to do the welding and tell me what to do. the kids had a great time playing and then decided that at about 3:00 pm they wanted to play outside so we hooked them with shoes and let them go hog wild. Unfortunately the went a little to hog wild and got into the hose and tried to wash the dogs. From what i was told it was a real mess.
We got a lot of work done today and we have the rear to start in the morning. We will be replacing the rear axel, replacing all of the bushing in the short arm that I have in the jeep now and re gearing the front axle. . I will be also picking up a set of extended break lines in the next few days so. Scott also says I may need a set of limiting straps at some point also.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Went to Cabelas and REI

So I went to Cabelas and REI today it was a good day. Took the kids to see the fish and other cool stuff in the store. We had lunch and looked at the fish and then did some shopping. David got a stuffed fish and ZZ got a stuffed Turtle. I also purchased a jacket and some fuge for Cayla. She told me she did not want anything but you should always get something from Cabelas.
Then I went to REI to look for a backpack and found one. it was half off so i figured i would get it. so i am all just about set for the camping trip coming up in a week and a half.
I am heading to Scott's early in the morning about 7:30 to 8:00 am to start working on my jeep. the plan is to have my Jeep torn down and re built no later than Tuesday night so i can put it through it's paces to make sure it will be good for our camping trip. I will upload a bunch of photos and videos of the work starting Monday night and follow up Tuesday night. What fun this will be.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


A Slow Day

Today was a very slow day. I went into work to to get my leave authorized and then came home told the kids to take a nap then took one myself. the kids and i slept for about 3.5 hours and then we went to the park for about an hour. David was trying to flirt with all the little girls and ZZ was interested mainly in the slide. Here are a few pics of the fun at the park.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Our bathroom sink is a BIDET

So today after getting home from Scott’s house we picked up some Chipotle for dinner and sat down to eat. Dinner was good and David was finished first. He told us that he needed to poop and we TOLD him to let us know when he was finished so we could help him. He said ok and went to the bathroom. A little while later he still had not called for one of us, so I went in to check on him and low and behold he is neked and has his butt in the sink with soap all over him. I pulled him out of the sink and we had words over his dumb little act. When asked why he was washing his bum in the sink he told me he wanted to clean himself without any help, he could do it himself. If I had not been so surprised I would have taken a pic just so I could torture him later in life but life never works out the way you want.

A good day helping a friend

Well today was eventful. I went to a friend’s house today to help him clean out his garage. It was a success we spent about 4 hours moving stuff around and organizing the place. It was a lot of fun and gave me a good reason to get out of the house. I was also really up to going down there to help because he is going to be doing a bunch of work on my jeep that I cannot do myself. I am a true believer that if you would like someone to do work for you, you had better be willing to help him out in any way you can.
When we got done messing around in the garage we hooked up some climbing gear and Scott showed me a few tricks on climbing a rope. I have to say I like the gear that he uses. It did make climbing the rope much easier. Then we put our kids in a harness and pulled them to the top of the garage they had a good time. Tomorrow we will be taking the kids to the indoor climbing wall that I took David to a few days ago and we shall see how the kids enjoy it. Hopefully I can get my son to climb to the top.
Starting Monday my buddy Scott will be helping me install my lift kit, install a replacement rear axle, and redo my front gears. There will be a lot of work but it will make my vehicle much safer and more fun to be in. I will be conducting a jeep scrap book if you are interested in seeing the work that will be done. This will also be a big thank you for the work that Scott will be putting out to help me.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Time to get started April 26 2009

It is time to get started. The other day I took the kids to an indoor climbing gym in Ogden and we had a blast. David was only willing to climb half way up the wall but he did really well for his first time. So I went out today and purchased a few things I got a couple of water bottles and a couple of climbing harnesses one for me and one for my oldest kid David 3 and ¾ years old. Then I also bought a kid backpack for my youngest Isaac (AKA ZZ) 23 months old. So when you see ZZ from now on you will know who I am talking about. The plan is to get the ok from my physical therapist in the morning and to go on our first hike of the season and also on my kids first hike ever Davis is so excited he could just come unglued. ZZ is just having fun with his backpack, or should I say in his backpack. He does not know what is up but takes it all in stride. I am thinking about Adams Canyon it is near Kaysville UT it is a 3.5 mile round trip up to a 40 foot waterfall I think the boys will like it. If I don’t get the ok from the PT I will just go buy a child size fishing pole and take the kids to the local fishing spot David will love the chance to fish also.
My goal is to keep the kids away from mom as much as possible for the next month Cayla is basically confined to the house and has been really sick for the last 4 months. Hopefully one day soon her body will accept the baby that is growing inside of her but so far she is losing the battle and the baby is winning. So I will be keeping the kids out of the house and active so they sleep well when they get home.
Here are a few pics of the stuff we got today. I will post up pics of tomorrows adventures once the kids go to bed.